Patient Information
Personal Identification Code or Name :*
Home phone: *
Work phone:
E-mail confirmation: *
Country of Residence: *
Preferred contact: E-mail Phone
Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy): * / /
Sex: * Male Female
Height : *
Weight: *
Medical History

List any medications you take including herbal medications :

List all major illnesses or injuries
(diabetes, high blood pressure, emphysema, heart attacks, etc):

Do you have any allergies to medications? * Yes No
If yes, please list the medications:
List any surgeries you have had:
List all eye illnesses or injuries
(crossed/lazy eye, cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration, abrasions, etc.):

Do you currently have any problems in the following areas?
  Yes No If yes, please explain:
General / Constitutional
(fever, weight loss, other)
Ears, Nose, and Throat
(cold, sinus, chronic cough)
(heart, vessels, etc.)
(asthma, emphysema, etc.)
(ulcers, intestinal disease, etc.)
Genital, Kidney, Bladder

(rosacea, skin cancer, psoriasis, etc.)

(MS, stroke, seizures, etc.)

(anxiety, depression, etc.)
(diabetes, thyroid, etc.)
Blood / Lymph
(bleeding disorder, high cholesterol, anemia, etc.)
Allergic / Immunologic
(lupus, hay fever, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.)

Social History
Do you smoke? * Yes No
If so, how much? packs / day
Do you drink alcohol? * Yes No
If so, how much? drinks / day






Welcome to SSI. Please take a minute to fill out our health history form. The information you enter on this website is secured and will be kept completely confidential.